
Ihre zuständige Sachbearbeitung ist in der Regel telefonisch und per E-Mail zu erreichen. Bei Bedarf kann ein individueller Termin für eine Beratung vor Ort über das Studierenden Service Center vereinbart werden.
Hier finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen, Formulare und Ansprechpartner*innen auf einen Blick.
All information on the application process for the master programme Computer Simulation in Science is available on the department's website.
All rules on withdrawal from examinations are stated in §8 of the applicable examination regulations.
All information on the exam registration process is available on the department's website.
In case you cannot attend an examination due to illness, it is obligatory to
- Inform your examiner as soon as possible before the time of the examination. Please send them an e-mail via your official university e-mail account. The e-mail should include the following information: your full name, matriculation number, study programme, name and number of the module/course as well as the date of the examination.
- Send this form,filled in by your doctor, to your contact person at the Central Examination Office (see grey box on the right). The form has to be sent to them at the latest within three working days after the original date of the examination.
The examination board of your study programme decides about granting or denying the certificate.
In case it is granted, the withdrawal will be recorded in StudiLöwe. In case the withdrawal is denied, you will receive a written statement.
Sollten Sie am Tag einer Prüfung krank sein, sind Sie verpflichtet, über Ihren Matrikelnummer-Account (und nur über diesen)
- unverzüglich und noch vor der Prüfung den*die Prüfer*in per E-Mail zu informieren.
Folgende Angaben sind dafür notwendig: Namen, Vornamen, Matrikel-Nr., Teilstudiengang, Bezeichnung des Prüfungs-Moduls, Prüfungsdatums
- bei der zuständigen Sachbearbeitung im ZPA unverzüglich (d.h. innerhalb von drei Werktagen) ein ärztliches Attest (per E-Mail) einzureichen. Das Formular für das ärztliche Attest können Sie hier downloaden:
Ärztliches Attest
Der Prüfungsausschuss entscheidet über die An- oder Aberkennung des Attestes. Bei Anerkennung wird der Rücktritt im System eingetragen; eine Aberkennung wird Ihnen schriftlich mitgeteilt.
A prerequisite for the issue of the topic of the master’s thesis is the proof of at least 70 credit points according to § 10 as well as the successful completion of the modules "CSim1 Computer Simulation 1" and "CSim3 Computer Simulation 3" and of at least one module in the selected area of specialization. The master’s thesis must be written in English.
The topic can only be rejected once and only within the first 4 weeks of the allotted time.
In exceptional cases and on reasonable application by the candidate, the examinations committee can extend the allotted time once by a period of up to 12 weeks.
A certificate testifying the successfully completed master’s examination and indicating the individual module grades, the overall grade, the grade and topic of the master’s thesis will be issued without delay and, if possible, within four weeks after allocating the final credit points. Supplementary credits (where accepted), as well as the time taken to complete the degree program including the master’s examination can also be indicated on the certificate upon the candidate’s application. The certificate must be signed by the chairperson of the examinations committee. The certificate will be dated to the day on which the last credit points were awarded.